Under 15's
Sun 06 Sep 2015
Tries: S (2)Conversions: S
Clevedon Rugby Club
Under 15's
Tries: T Wills (2), M Matthews (2)Conversions: T Leaman (3)
KAPOW - Welcome to Junior Rugby

KAPOW - Welcome to Junior Rugby

Matt Harris14 Sep 2015 - 14:35
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We were under no impression that an easy day out at "The Mead" was on the cards.

There was much trepidation and anticipation in the build up to our season opener away to Southmead. As it happens the day was full of surprises and I'm pleased so say pretty much all of them were good ones!

We played Southmead for the first time last year and on that "arctic" morning it was our opponents that coped with the conditions best and deservedly took the spoils. The final score on that occasion was 28-0, which in fact turned out to be the largest margin we lost by all season!!!! Therefore we were under no impression that an easy day out at "The Mead" was on the cards. Far from it, we knew exactly what to expect and they certainly didn't disappoint, scoring a strong converted try in the first 5 mins. This was soon followed by an injury to the "Pope Express" (our exciting summer signing from the other sport)!!! At this point it looked like our training philosophy may have been misguided and that there was going to be very long season ahead. However as one door shuts another opens and Max's departure led to another recent squad addition being handed an earlier than expected début. The charismatic Mr Elrick is already fast becoming a star off the field and he took his playing opportunity in the same fearless manner, by slipping seamlessly into the game and not putting a foot wrong all morning.

In the following 10 mins or so the lads seemed to grow into the game. The passing got a little sharper, the tackles became more purposeful and slowly we began to look like a very good rugby team. After some excellent pressure "The Tiny Tornado" opened our account on 18 mins, expertly converted by Ty Leaman. A very even and exciting competition ensued with end to end heroics from both sides. However it was Southmead who struck next to the delight of the home support with their classy No 12 gliding through a gap and under the sticks for a converted try just before half time.

After a confidence boosting chat the Blue & Gold took on the second half in readiness and were rewarded straight away as “Tripple T” latched on to a miss-fielded loose ball from the restart and over for his second try of the game, Leaman adding the extras. Back in front and playing some beautifully unselfish and intelligent rugby Clevedon went from strength to strength. This took its toll on the home side who seemed to tire as time went on. And eventually Clevedon manufactured some space and “The Welsh Wizzard” scorched over from 25 meters. Still with only 7 points difference between the teams the following 10 minutes saw Southmead regroup and push the limits of the Clevedon defence. Eventually they got their chance in the form of a tap penalty 5m out. Step up Woody “The Wall” !!! In that single tackle Tom epitomised the grit and determination of the whole team to hold on to their slender lead. He was a big fella, and probably gets a fair few trys from that distance, however Millward hit him so hard and with such admirable technique the ball was dislodged and spilt forward and I think it was this point that Southmead realised this just wasn’t going to be their day. Unfortunately in this act of bravery Tom took a blow to the cheek and to his obvious annoyance was made to leave the pitch for his own safety – I let him know his work was done for the day and he had possibly just won the game for us with that tackle. So with 14 men we took on the final nail biting 5 minutes. We never should have doubted as the team galvanised, culminating in another fantastic score for McCauly which Tyler duly slotted for the additionals, to round off the day.

And so it ended 26 points to 12 which was a very, very good start to year but in all honesty didn’t do justice to the quality of Southmead who were always in the game. Well done lads, I said at the start of the day I am only interested in your performance and development as players and as a team. Results and who scores are completely immaterial, and I promise you I genuinely mean that. The performance for the first game of the season was outstanding, way beyond my hopes, every single person deserves a mention but I’ve overstretched the word count once again!!!!

Thanks to players and supporters for a great morning in the sunshine. Next up – Another very stern test as St Brendans travel to The Vale in the Bristol Junior Combination Cup.

Match details

Match date

Sun 06 Sep 2015



Meet time



Meet there for 10am. Those wishing to travel in convoy meet at the club for 9am leaving at 9.15
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Club Sponsor - Pace