Under 15's
Sun 24 Jan 2016
Clevedon Rugby Club
Under 15's
Tries: M Matthews, R Thomas
Tries: W (6)Conversions: W (5)
Cold Start For Clevedon

Cold Start For Clevedon

Matt Harris26 Jan 2016 - 09:20
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A lacklustre start from the Clevedon boys saw the game lost before it had barely begun!

Unfortunately, a lacklustre start from the Clevedon boys saw the game lost before it had barely begun! A display of poor rugby intelligence in defence and non-existent “team” intensity handed our visitors a very disappointingly easy away day in the valley.

A hefty crowd had gathered from the previous game – an entertaining Somerset cup clash between our U15’s and Bath. The majority loitering around to see how we do things in the U13’s……………sadly and understandably they didn’t hang about for long as we allowed Winscombe to race into a spectacular 28-0 lead within quarter of an hour!!!!

Right from the kick off we failed to field the ball, letting it bounce awkwardly and giving Winscombe great field position from which they duly scored. One minute later they’d crossed again! Their imperious kicker putting on a near flawless display adding extras at will. 3 minutes gone …….14-0 down! Lesson No1. YOU HAVE TO BE READY AT THE START OF THE GAME.

Admirably our heads didn’t go down and some of the individual effort really was inspiring. The lads upped their aggression, tempo and tackle count but the Winscombe try machine rolled on, “gassing” us around the outside almost seemingly at will. 13 minutes gone …….28-0 down! In previous years this is when we have turned on one another or the referee or anyone, anyone but ourselves. However, this time pleasingly, we seemed to take responsibility, upped our efforts again and actually drew the next 37 minutes two tries apiece.

Ok, to the nuts and bolts of it all. Winscombe didn’t come at us with the brawn of some of the Bristol sides. They didn’t use underhand tactics like those teams “who’s names shall not be whispered in daylight”! They didn’t hassle the referee or have an outstanding future England captain that ran the show and took the glory. They just did everything really, really, really well and more importantly they all took responsibility and did it together. Their decision making was always in favour of team gain, sacrificing themselves and self-glory for the man in a better position……they created opportunities for each other rather than taking them themselves. I’ve genuinely not seen a more complete and rounded “team” at our age grade. I can see how they lose to teams that are just bigger and very aggressive, some of those previously mentioned, unmentionables will push them and beat them occasionally. However, I think Winscombe are our achievable model to aim for. They play with a similar philosophy. There was rarely kicking from either side at any point. The intention to run with the ball was ever-present and apparent from both sets of players. Whilst the score line might suggest differently I actually honestly and genuinely believe we actually aren’t 100 miles away from their standard and we should absolutely look at Winscombe as a design model to aspire to.

Aspiring is one thing actually doing something to get there is quite another animal altogether. Unfortunately, it has become apparent we have a lazy core. A core that’s seems reticent, unconfident or inexperienced to take responsibility for doing work in loose play. Their front five were constantly involved. If they weren’t part of the breakdown they made sure they were in a position to be part of the next phase – they did not stand around in the vicinity of play aimlessly waiting for something to happen………...they made it happen. In attack they were part of it, in defence they were part of it. That’s why it seemed they had extra players, why they always had an extra man to pass to on the outside, another man to tackle us when we thought we’d done enough to get through or around. Lesson No2. FRONT 5 YOU HAVE TO BE MORE ACTIVE, YOU ARE ALL INVOLVED 100% OF THE TIME.

To be fair the set piece worked well for us. Scrum was pretty solid and the lineout proved better than expected. Rucking was pretty even and retention was also good. We had plenty of possession. However, it wasn’t necessarily GOOD possession. It was rushed, and generally speaking it was static. The key word here are is depth. When is the penny going to drop? Change this horrible knack of standing flat and receiving a ball stood still and our game will change overnight. There is no excuse for this it’s our old friend Mr Lazy again. If someone is stood flat……TELL THEM!!! Lesson No3. GET DEEPER – more time, more space, more momentum, more chance of success (all because you were a couple of meters deeper).

When we attacked they defended with discipline, together and at pace. When they attacked we defended with individual bloody mindedness, making the line ragged, undisciplined and easily breeched. Whose fault is it if we fall into the trap of single players breaking the line and running up in defence to make a tackle? Is it the isolated individual, scorching up to make that massive hit? Or is the rest of the “watchers”, who weren’t alert enough to be with him? Which camp are you in and what can you do about it.

Enough’ s, enough. My ramblings are reaching a whole new level here! Basically, be ready, always be involved, hunt together as one in defence and get a bit deeper in attack ….easy as that!

A group of good players working as team will always beat a team of great individuals playing for themselves.

Well done to the boys that turned up, only 16, some of the usual’s not available decimated by illness and commitments elsewhere. Effort after the first quarter was outstanding from most of you. There was some very good rugby on show, and some fantastic progressions by a couple of individuals in particular. Harry Lewis playing only his 3rd game was amazing in the lineout and got more and more involved as the day went on. Tyler Scott playing for the first time in 4 months also showing huge commitment, way beyond expectation. Thanks also to Jon for stepping in and refereeing at the last moment – we really don’t appreciate what a huge favour he did for us, however speaking on his behalf, he will happily except beer in recognition of this!!!!!

A heavy loss on paper but if we can anything learn from it, then it’s a victory in essence.

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Match date

Sun 24 Jan 2016



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