Under 15's
Sun 20 Sep 2015
Tries: W (3)Conversions: W (3)
Clevedon Rugby Club
Under 15's
Tries: T Wills, M Matthews, D HarrisConversions: M Duncan (2), T Leaman
Heads up.....nobody died !

Heads up.....nobody died !

Matt Harris21 Sep 2015 - 13:17
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Sometimes the unhealthy fixation with winning from some of the boys does tend to worry me!

Disappointingly, a fantastic draw away to the giants of wells on a huge pitch was met with some very sour faces come the final whistle. I really do absolutely despair with this behaviour. Admittedly we were in control of the game and looked pretty certain to snatch our fourth straight victory with very little time on the clock. However give credit to Wells who fought tooth and nail when all looked against them as they played some robust and intelligent rugby and gave themselves a chance........and they took it.

Lately we have really been pushing the core values of this fantastic game, however some of us showed a real lack of class and proved that maybe my efforts in talking about respect and discipline etc. may well be falling on deaf ears. I completely understand disappointment, that's human nature, we need that. But there's a vast difference between disappointed and some of the attitude yesterday. The unhealthy fixation with winning from some of the boys does tend to worry me! I can’t begin to imagine what would happen if something important actually occurred!!!!!

Anyway a good game against a good team and we came out even. There’s no shame in that, in fact we should be celebrating it. We set out the day to achieve some objectives and together we did that. We became a more experienced and better team because of that. That’s what we should be looking at, not some numbers on a scoreboard. If anyone wants to be part of a team that is only driven by results, whose philosophy is “must win at all costs”, come and see me………….I can point you in the right direction, there’s one or two teams out there.

Come on boys it’s high time we realised Rugby Union is far richer than some numbers on a piece of paper.

Match details

Match date

Sun 20 Sep 2015



Meet time




Those wishing to go in convoy or lift share meet at the club for 9.30 leaving by 9.45.
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Club Sponsor - Pace